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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Pendrive Bootable windows 7

Here we will see Making a pen drive bootable for  Windows7 & Windows8 operating system. To install fresh Windows OS with a CD/DVD drive takes too much time to install. People face problems that CD/DVD drive doesn’t work properly. No special software is required for this method. Using command prompt and with few lines of command you can make a bootable pendrive.

Just follow this tutorial.

Start your command prompt.

Command prompt will be opened

Type diskpart and hit ENTER

Before this step make sure pendrive is empty.As precaution Save all your datas to any other location  
Type List disk and press ENTER

Thursday, February 19, 2015

What is BSOD? What do you do when you get blue screen in a computer? How do you troubleshoot it?

  • BSOD stands for blue screen of Death.

When there is a hardware or OS fault due to which the windows OS can run, it give a blue screen with a code. to resolve it, boot the computer in "Last known good configuration".If this doesn't work then boot the computer in safe mode. If it boots up then the problem will be  with one of the devices or drivers in the computer.

Important Port Numbers

15                Netstat
21                FTP
23               Telnet
25                SMTP
110              POP3
42                WINS
53                DNS
67                Bootp
68                DHCP
3268            AD Global Catalog
3269            AD Global Catalog over SSL
88                Kerberos
101              HOSTNAME
139              NetBIOS
161              SNMP
180              RIS
389              LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
80                HTTP
443              HTTPS (HTTP over SSL/TLS)
443              SSL (https) (http protocol over TLS/SSL)
220              IMAP3
119              NNTP

123              NTP     (Network time protocol)    

Windows 7 Key Boot Files

Windows 7 Key Boot Files

BOOTMGR – Found in the MBR this file boots up the Windows operating system

BCD (Boot Configuration Data) - is text file that lists the available OS found and tells the BOOTMGR where to find boot partition

WINLOAD.EXE- Loads the Windows Interface

NTOSKRNL.EXE- Windows 7 Core Files

WIN.COM - Windows 7 command file

HAL.DLL - Hardware Abstraction layer of Windows 7

Monday, February 16, 2015

Installation Of WDS using command line

Use the below command line for installation of WDS server
GO to  powershell and run the command ServerManagerCmd -install WDS.

Installing Windows Deployment Services

Here we will see how to install Windows Deployment Services. Windows Deployment Services is a technology from Microsoft for installation of Windows operating systems by network, Windows Deployment Services role in server 2008 R2 allow you to deploy Windows operating systems  Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 R2.

On the server where you are installing Windows Deployment Services role, launch the Server Manager, right click on Roles, click on Add Roles. On the Server Roles page, select Windows Deployment Services. Click on Next.

On the Role Services page, the Deployment Server and Transport Server are selected on the second screen of the installation wizard. Click on Next

click close button when the installation is complete 

Restrict using pendrive and other storage devices using Group policy

Disable Removable Storage Using GPO

Windows Server 2008 introduces a Group Policy setting that can prohibit the read or write activities of floppy, CD and DVD drives, tape, and devices such as mobile phones, music players, and cameras

Within the Group Policy Editor, navigate to \Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\System\Removable Storage Access.

 All Removable Storage Classes: Deny All Access. If we enable this policy , then we prevent  users from mounting ANY class of removable media.

Turn OFF windows update using Group policy

TurnOFF windows Update Using GPO
Go to your Group Policy management console and navigate to Administrative Templates | System | Internet Communication Management | Internet Communication Settings

Set the “Turn off access to all Windows Update features” to Enabled.

If this policy setting is enabled, all Windows Update features are removed. It does not allow the client pc to access  the Microsoft Update and Windows Update Web sites. The client pc will not get automatic updates directly from Windows Update , but it can still get updates from a WSUS server in the network

Friday, February 13, 2015

Enable Custom screensaver via group policy

Screensaver Enable
Setting a default screen saver with settings that will be compatible with changes in Windows 7 and with your existing Windows XP and Vista clients.  Start with a Group Policy Object (GPO) that is linked to the OU where your user accounts are located in Active Directory. This can be either a new GPO or an existing GPO that may already have other settings you want applied to all of your users.

Go to Policy > User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization. Here are the policies you’re looking for:

Enable Screen Saver
Force Specific Screen Saver
Password Protect Screen Saver
Screen Saver timeout
Time set in seconds (900 in the example)

Enable Remote Desktop using Group Policy

Enable or Disable Remote dektop for users
·    Click StartAll programs – Administrative Tools – Group Policy Management.
·    Create or Edit Group Policy Objects.
·    Expand Computer Configuration – Administrative Templates – Windows Components – Remote Desktop Services – Remote Desktop Session Host – Connections.

·    Allow users to connect remotely using Remote Desktop Services (enable or disable)

Prevent changing desktop background using group policy

Prohibit users from  changing the background

1.Under User Configuation -> Policies -> Administative Templates -> Control Panel -> Personalization -> Prevent changing desktop background  Enable - enable this radio button
( To prohibit users from  changing the background )
2. Close Group Policy Management Editor Window
3. Run " gpupdate /force " in DC.
4. In clients i also run the command " gpupdate /force ". Then restart or Log off. 

Group Policy to configure Desktop Wallpaper

Administrative Template “Desktop Wallpaper” Setting

This setting can be found under User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Desktop > Desktop and is straight forward to configure as all you have to do is specify the explicit local path or a UNC to the image you want displayed as the desktop wallpaper

1. Run RSOP.MSC on client, make sure the wallpaper policy was applied.
2. If the policy was applied, check the permission of the wallpaper folder. Make sure Authenticated User has Read Permission.
3. Could you manually set the wallpaper?
4. Run "gpresult /v >>c:\gp.txt" 

Windows Booting Process

Explain Booting Process
  • Make sure all powercable for monior an cpu are connected and also other conection
  • Once you hit power button power on self test(post), it initilaizes all the harware accesories are working inside the cpu, if anything is wrong it gives beepsounds from buzzer in motherboard
  • After finishing, post BIOS searches for MBR record from the hardisk, when its done MBR record looks bootable partition, and run the program ntldr.exe NTLoader.exe
  • Then ntldr processes boot.ini and it directs to theOS alvailable , BOOT.INI  holds the record what are the OS available and OS  related file location
  • After as you selct your os ,while booting OS ntldr run a program which intializes hardware 

Important DOS Commands for Windows


Get Mac address  : ipconfig /all or getmac.
Display Connection Configuration: ipconfig /all
Display DNS Cache Info: ipconfig /displaydns
Clear DNS Cache: ipconfig /flushdns
Release All IP Address Connections: ipconfig /release
Renew All IP Address Connections: ipconfig /renew
Re-Register the DNS connections: ipconfig /registerdns
Change/Modify DHCP Class ID: ipconfig /setclassid
Network Connections: control netconnections
Network Setup Wizard: netsetup.cpl
Test Connectivity: ping
Trace Route: tracert
Displays the TCP/IP protocol sessions: netstat
Display Local Route: route
Display Resolved MAC Addresses: arp
Display Name of Computer Currently on: hostname
Display DHCP Class Information: ipconfig /showclassid
NameServer Lookup: nslookup

DNS Server Interview Questions and answers

1) Types of DNS Servers
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS
Active Directory Integrated DNS
Caching only DNS

2) What is the main purpose of a DNS server?
DNS servers are used to resolve FQDN hostnames into IP addresses and vice versa.

3) What is the port no of dns ?

4) What is a Forward Lookup?
Resolving Host Names to IP Addresses.

5) What is Reverse Lookup?
It?s a file contains host names to IP mapping information.

6) What is a Resource Record?
It is a record provides the information about the resources available in the N/W infrastructure.

7) What are the DNS Roles?
Standard Primary, Standard Secondary, & AD Integrated.

8) What is a Zone?
Zone is a sub tree of DNS database.

9) Types of DNS Servers?
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS
Active Directory Integrated DNS
Caching only DNS

10)  Types of DNS Zone ?
Primary Zone
Secondary Zone
AD integrated Zone
Stub Zone

11) How many SOA record does each zone contain?
Each zone will have one SOA record. 

12) What is DDNS?

Ans: It dynamically registers m/c name in the AD integrated DNS database. It also used to dynamically register domain controllers name in the DNS at the time of installing AD.

13) What are Resource records in DNS?

14) What are SRV records?
These are the records which maps the AD service with the location of the service i.e. GC, Kerberos and LDAP

15) What is the main purpose of SRV records ?
SRV records are used in locating hosts that provide certain network services.

16) What is SOA Record?
SOA is a Start Of Authority record, which is a first record in DNS, which controls the startup behavior of DNS. We can configure TTL, refresh, and retry intervals in this record.

17) What are the types of DNS?
Primary, Secondary, Catch only.

18) What are different DNS queries?
Recursive and iterative.

 19) What is primary and secondary  Zones in DNS?
DNS servers can contain primary and secondary zones. 
Primary zone is a copy of a zone where updates can be made,
Secondary zone is a copy of a primary zone.  For fault tolerance purposes and load balancing, a domain may have several DNS servers that respond to requests for the same information.
The entries within a zone give the DNS server the information it needs to satisfy requests from other computers or DNS servers.

20) What is an AD-integrated zone?
AD-integrated zones store the zone data in Active Directory and use the same replication process used to replicate other data between domain controllers.
The one catch with AD-integrated zones is that the DNS server must also be a domain controller.

21) What is a STUB zone?
A stub zone is a copy of a zone that contains only those resource records necessary to identify the authoritative Domain Name System (DNS) servers for that zone.

A stub zone is used to resolve names between separate DNS namespaces.

The master servers for a stub zone are one or more DNS servers authoritative for the child zone

22) What is NSlookup ?
It is a tool used troubleshoot DNS related issues.

23) How do you manually create SRV records in DNS?
This is on windows server go to run ---> dnsmgmt.msc rightclick on the zone you want to add srv record to and choose "other new record" and choose service location(srv).

24) Where does a Host File Reside?

25) What is a query?
A request made by the DNS client to provide the name server information.

26) What are the diff. types of Queries?
Recursion, iteration.

27) Tools for troubleshooting DNS?

FSMO Roles - Flexible Single Master Operation

FSMO-Flexible single master operation

By Default while creating a new domain in the forest,the first domain holds these Five roles
SCHEMA MASTER and DOMAIN NAMING MASTER are forest wide roles
These two roles will be available in one DC in the Forest

  •   Admin cannot add modify or extend Schema
  •    Some softwares such as Exchange server and SCCM will expand the Schema to fit more information
  •  Changes made in the schema cannot be reversed
  •  Schema master role failure can be identified only when we try to update or extend Schema

  •          This role supports to add or remove a domain in the forest
  •          This role is responsible to ensure that  while creating a new domain ,it verifies if the name is already present in the forest

RID Relative Identifier  MASTER
  •          The roles allocates RID pool
  •          Every object in the active directiory has SID-Security Identifier
  •          SID is a unique number which active directory uses to identify the object
  •          When display name is changed for a user, this change will not affect SID ,windows display the name associated to the SID
  •          The SID will be lost if the User or object is deleted
  •          SID will not change if there are two users inthe same name
  •          SID numbers have RID wich are alloted by RID master
  •          Domain ask for more RID from RID master before brfore they run out
  •          If RID MASTER is down it will not affect you organisation,No new objects will be created in the active directory

PDCEmulator-primary domain control emulator
Time Sync:-
  •          This role is responsibe for keeping the time accurate in the domain
  •          The other domain controllers will sync their time with the DC which holds PDC emulator
For this reason the clock in the PDC Emulator should be accurate
Password Changing:-
  •          When a password is changed in the domain, the password is replicated to the PDC  using urjent replication
  •          When incorrect password is given to a domain controller,the domain contacts the PDC,pdc has the final authority to say if the user is allowed or not

DFS Changes:-
  •          If you are using distributed file system DFS,PDC allows to keep DFS updated and Consistent
  •          When Changes are made to DFS these changes are made in PDC emulator

·                             This can be disabled ,for PDC not reqired for DFS changes
Group policy
  •          When you modify Group Policy,the group policy editor  will automatically defaults to the pdc emulator and make the changes there

  •          Its tracks object moves,renames and deletes
  •          It also updates multi doamin reference in the active directory  when changes occur, When infrastucture master finds a change in the domain it will refer to global catalog which will be always up-to-date ,since the infrastructure manager  thinks the change has already been made it will not notify other domain controller the change occured.
  •          To fix the problem ensure then  all DC’s are Global catlog server or the DC which holds Infrastructure master should not be a GC server